Our Cereal Products

MH34 Maize (Mwazangati)
- Yield : 10tons per Hectare
- Medium term maturity (120 days)
- Suitable all growing areas in Malawi
- Tolerant to Maize Streak Virus (MSV), Grey Leaf Spot (GLS), Rust and Leaf blight
- Texture: Semi flint
- Colour: white

MH40A (pro-vitamin A, Orange Maize)
- Rich in vitamin A
- Yield : 10tons per Hectare
- Medium term maturity (120 days)
- Suitable all growing areas in Malawi
- Tolerant to Maize Streak Virus (MSV), Grey Leaf Spot (GLS), Rust and Leaf blight
- Texture: Semi flint, color: orange
- Colour: Orange