our legume products

CG9 Gound nuts
- Rosette resistant
- High yielding: 2.5 tones/hectare
- Matures in 120 - 140 days
- Easy to harvest
- Suitable in all growing areas
- Tolerant to frog eye disease
- Colour: red

CG7 Gound nuts
- High yielding: 2.5 tones/hectare
- Matures in 120 - 140 days
- Easy to harvest
- Suitable in all growing areas
- Tolerant to frog eye disease
- Colour: red

CG 11 ground nuts
- Rosette resistant
- High yielding: 2.5 tones/hectare
- Matures in 120 - 140 days
- Easy to harvest
- Suitable in all growing areas
- Tolerant to frog eye disease
- Colour: white

NUA45 Beans
- Rich in zinc & iron
- Matures in 75 days
- High yielding, up to 2.5 tones / hectare

Kholophethe Beans
- Matures in 90 days
- High yielding, up to 2.5 tones / hectare
- Suitable for all growing areas

Makwacha Soya
- Matures in 120 -140 days
- High yielding, up to 2.5 tones / hectare
- Suiting for all growing areas

Tikolore Soya
- High yielding
- Suitable in all growing areas